You can purchase our standard stock items or those made to order through our online shop. If you are looking for customised versions of any of these products such as variations on the standard design and finish of our items, or detail such as stamped emblems, mottos or messages please feel free to contact us to discuss at: contact@highlandforge.co.uk
You can view all of the products in our shop by clicking on the links to each collection below:
Further information about our products
All of our products are entirely hand made from high quality materials, unless your product includes springs all of the steel used will be structural grade BS EN 10025 S275 JR, where possible we gradually cool our pieces on completion to entirely eliminate the risk of brittleness in the finished product, a process known as 'normalising'.
To make these more affordable they are made in small batches, and so the design will change over time, though we will keep the same names. As such any piece you purchase from us will be entirely unique, and will not be made to the exact same design or finish again. We maintain the photographs attached to each product as accurate to the latest batch, when these are sold a new version will be uploaded.
To ensure our products are as authentic as possible we often use a traditional baked oil finish on those for indoor use. Although this is a tricky process, it offers a more pleasing finish compared with painting . Please note that this finish is not weather resistant and corrosion may appear over time if the product is left outdoors for a prolonged period. The oiled finish is made using linseed oil that is rubbed onto the piece after it has been burnished and preheated to a specific temperature. If the steel was cold the oil would just stick to the surface resulting in a product that is unpleasant and potentially unsafe to use in controlling a fire, however the elevated temperature causes the oil to slowly burn and bake into the steel leaving a pleasant glassy black brown two-tone finish. Please note that this is a process we have learnt to use safely over a number of years, so please do not try this at home! On completion, any remaining un-burnt oil is removed thoroughly and the piece buffed to a low shine.
Please contact us if you would like to know more or would like us to make a customised version of any of the items listed. If you have any feedback for us or suggestions for additions to our product range, or would simply like to know more about our processes, why not let us know by emailing us on contact@highlandforge.co.uk