About Highland Forge
Highland Forge was started by Derro Gilmour and his wife Jennifer and is based near Inverness in the heart of the Scottish highlands. Here we pride ourselves in the quality of the work we produce and the standard of the service we offer to our customers. Our mission is to preserve the work of the traditional Blacksmith into the modern age and to make beautifully crafted forged products accessible, as far as possible, to customers of all walks of life and incomes. Our service therefore covers the large, relatively complex and expensive commissions as well as the small individual items that may be purchased more affordably from our online shop.
Derro's Story: I trained in the Orkney Islands over a period of seven years under William Mowatt MBE. Although Willie was 84 at the time I started, he was still very keen to pass on his knowledge of forge work as far as possible. Willie was the final leg of a dynasty of smiths spanning at least four generations and very much of the Old School. Willie was uncompromising on quality, attention to detail and fitness for purpose, in many cases he would ask me to make a piece several times before he was satisfied I had mastered it sufficiently. His attitude was one of self improvement regardless of what he had achieved to date. I worked closely with Willie and developed a strong friendship until his death in 2016, and although he will be sadly missed I hope to continue and perhaps one day to pass on the legacy of his work ethic and perfectionism. With the generous help of other smiths and through studying on my own I continue to refine my skills and add techniques outside Willie's scope, while endeavoring to perfect those I already have. I hope now to share the fruits of these labours by producing ever more exquisite pieces to be enjoyed by those who use them.

Willie, having just shod a cartwheel in the early 90s

Derro completing a weld in the new forge